This template uses custom fonts.
See the demo and find the detailed guide to connecting fonts at the bottom of the page.
Стиль Гранж - это отрицание всех норм, это сочетание несочетаемого, это бунтарство и независимость от мнения окружающих.
Сочетание несочетаемого
почему Такая концепция?
Когда к нам пришли Ваня и Настя, у них был запрос на "Осеннюю свадьбу". Но в процессе нашей совместной работы и брифинга, появилось четкое понимание, что история ребят, их взгляды, темперамент - это совсем про другую концепцию свадьбы.
Концепция не родилась одномоментно, а выстраивалась пазл за пазом. С каждой встречей, с каждым сообщением в наших рабочих чатах все четче выстраивалась общая картина свадьбы, обрастая большим количеством деталей и идей.

Мы работали на контрастах ребят: их знакомство, увлечения, работа, друзья, семейные ценности.

Каждая идея согласовывалась ребятами очень быстро и легко. А вся команда с большим удовольствием все воплощала в жизнь.
сообщений в рабочих чатах по проекту
число гостей
задействовано подрядчиков
в день мероприятия
дня на подготовку к мероприятию
количество форс-мажоров
в день мероприятия
Сервис агентства
Это то, что не очевидно, но очень важно. Это комфорт нашей пары, всех гостей мероприятия и специалистов, кто привлекается на проект.

Базово всегда для гостей: пледы и тапочки, бытовые принадлежности.
Базово всегда для специалистов: Горячее питание и перекусы.

Создание под ключ образов на утро невесты и жениха в соответствии со стилистикой свадьбы, поиск мельчайшего реквизита и аксессуаров комплиментарно для пары

Для нас важна общий визуал свадьбы и вся атмосфера вечера. Поэтому мы всегда щепетильно относимся к дресс-коду всей команды, кто присутствует в день мероприятия.
Концептуальный дресс-код команды

Ребята не знали о некоторых идеях, которые мы придумали и видели уже по факту реализации. Это про полное доверие агентству. Каждая деталь - это отражение пары и концепции мероприятия.
Идеи съемок
Наша Команда
Организатор, креатор, идейный вдохновитель, руководитель агентства El Wedding
Эля Темникова

Одна из любимых площадок нашего агентства. Место, где мы реализовали наше свадебное торжество
Поместье Голубицкое
La Catering

Все блюда и напитки отражали концепцию нашего торжества. Высокий уровень сервиса, интересная гастрономическая подача и вкус блюд - это важнейшая часть меропрития.

Техническое оснащение: звук, свет, спецэффекты неотъемлемая часть мероприятия. Нам был важен белый свет без каки-либо лучевых рисунков и оранжево-синий цвет во время танцевальных блоков
No Name
Veranda Flowers

Флористы-декораторы, кто смог воплотить в реальность визуальную часть нашего проекта. Ввиду ограниченности бюджета была придумана идея о трансформации зоны церемонии в центр нашего торжества, танцпол.
Максим Поддубский

С ведущим мы провели немало встреч для создания индивидуального сценарного плана свадьбы
Артем Jay One Jay

Благодаря нашему диджею Артёму, нам удалось реализовать идею с сюрпризом для жених: диджейский сет от невесты.
Также мы заранее записали слова жениха и невесты, которые представили друг друга на выход к церемонии. Это добавило особой атмосферы нашей церемонии
Максим Темников

С фотографом и видеографом в рамках общего чата были продуманы и структурированы идеи по съемке утра невесты и жениха, прогулочной съемки и вечерней съемки
Антон Чайный

С фотографом и видеографом в рамках общего чата были продуманы и структурированы идеи по съемке утра невесты и жениха, прогулочной съемки и вечерней съемки
Backstage видеограф

Катя снимала всю работу агентства, команды. Благодаря Backstage-видеографам вы можете увидеть весь объем нашей работы

Современные свадьбы уже сложно представить без контент-мейкера. Стася создала нам много классных Reels

Introduce yourself and give a clear explanation of the competitive advantage of your services, products, your team, etc. Try to be very precise and describe the advantage in a way that your potential clients can quickly understand it and get interested in getting in contact with you.
1 Классическое
утро невесты и жениха

Introduce yourself and give a clear explanation of the competitive advantage of your services, products, your team, etc. Try to be very precise and describe the advantage in a way that your potential clients can quickly understand it and get interested in getting in contact with you.
3 Прогулка
в Поместье

Introduce yourself and give a clear explanation of the competitive advantage of your services, products, your team, etc. Try to be very precise and describe the advantage in a way that your potential clients can quickly understand it and get interested in getting in contact with you.
2 Отвязное утро
невесты и жениха
план ДО торжества
Describe your product or service and upload a photograph to draw your clients’ attention.
Сценарный план торжества
Welcome - zone
Сбор гостей
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
Выездная церемония
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
The name of the event or lecture can be this long
Speaker: John Johnson
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
The name of the event or lecture can be this long
Speaker: John Johnson
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
Welcome - zone
Сбор гостей
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
Выездная церемония
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
The name of the event or lecture can be this long
Speaker: John Johnson
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
The name of the event or lecture can be this long
Speaker: John Johnson
Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple introduction of the speaker in two-three sentences.
Дизайнер Олег Левицкий
A short bio of the founder of the company. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Дизайнер Лана Птах
One Day
Example. For 10 years now, we have been passionate about achieving the best results that bring success and greater brand awareness. We develop basic concept of the brand according to its goals and purpose, and we create strategies for competitive advantage.
Deconstruction Cult
Визажист, стилист по волосам
A short bio of the co-founder of the company. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Дизайнер украшений
Анна Морозова
A short bio of the key team member. What makes your business different from any other company in the industry? Explain why working with you is the best solution for the client. Provide a short and simple explanation in one or two sentences.
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
I am very happy with this company and the services provided. This wonderful team of professionals helped me realize quite a complicated project. It was a pleasure working with them, highly recommended!
Nick Anderson
or News
Jan. 22, 2021
What is a corporate blog? Best practices for a perfect blog.
Jan. 24, 2021
What is a corporate blog? Best practices for a perfect blog.
Jan. 26, 2021
What is a corporate blog? Best practices for a perfect blog.
by step
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
Name of this step
Describe this phase of your work and show how it helps to achieve results. Add some detail about the service and what it includes. Explain what your client can get. What kind of clients do you work with, what inspires your work? What is your team proud of? What are your values and motto? Add a simple explanation in one or two sentences.
your plan
Access to any studio

10 individual sessions

Evening classes after 6 p.m.

5 guest visits
Access to any studio

15 individual sessions

All-day classes

15 guest visits
Access to any studio

20 individual sessions

All-day classes

20 guest visits
Winter Collection
Style & Photoset
Located in country X. Provide your address here. Explain how clients can find you.
All photo and video materials from free resources and belong to their owners. All photographs, texts, and business descriptions are fictitious. Please don’t use the template content for commercial purposes.
This template requires custom fonts. Set them up manually before using this template.
Heading font: TheNightWatch
Body text font: Roboto

How to set up font:
1. Download TheNightWatch Font:
a. Open the downloaded folder the_night_watch. You'll need "TheNightWatch.ttf"
b. Convert TTF/OTF file to WOFF (you can use this tool CloudConvert (

2. Go to Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Custom Settings → Your Own Font → Upload Font Files
a. Upload "TheNightWatch.woff" to BOLD
b. Under "Font Name," enter custom name for the font, e.g., "TheNightWatch".
c. Set TheNightWatch as default Heading font
d. Save changes

3. Go to Site Settings → Fonts and Colors → Basic Fonts
a. Choose Roboto as Body Text Family Name
b. Save changes

4. In the page editor, update fonts for each block. See the template demo as a reference:

5. Save changes. Done!